Mem Fox is an international icon in children’s storytelling and has been writing for closing in on 4 decades. About a year ago, Mem and I started working on series of videos for conferences she couldn’t attend due to Covid-19. We recorded a series last year and this led on to recording readings of her most famous books. Since then we have got together several times for recordings and recently completed a new series at Basem3nt Studios in the CBD.
Having a good time on set is never an issue and there is absolutely no shortage of banter that goes on making it an entertaining session every time. Underneath it, is a person really committed to her craft and love of a good story. We have more projects coming up in the future and it’s people like Mem that makes life that much more interesting.
Here is how she saw the process
During the world’s COVID lockdown I had to film an hour-long speech for a conference in Alabama. They and I felt it would be far more intimate and successful than presenting it via Zoom. So, whom to call?
I asked around and was given the name of Jon Burke. What luck! He was an expert at his game: lighting and sound, perfect. He was calm and calming. There was no fuss. It took an amazingly short time considering that there were bits that needed tweaking or repetition. The way he added the PowerPoint afterwards was brilliant as it meant I didn’t have to arrange live PowerPoint on the day. He edited it in a few days as it was urgent. It was he who sent the film to Alabama. They loved it. The whole experience was one of efficient professionalism. So! I’m going to do another one! Thank you, Jon!
You can visit Mem’s website and see some of the videos