Selling the Westside 2
A unique video production that highlights the Westside There are so many different attributes to the area, from pristine beaches to the most innovative redevelopment in Adelaide at Bowden. Then there were all the different activities, cultures and people living all sorts of lives across the council area. We decided to create the video in zones […]
Resthaven Pen Pal Program
Resthaven Malvern residents exchange gifts and letters with Thailand elderly womens home near Bangkok Since 2014, residents from Resthaven Malvern in South Australia, and Baan Sudthavas (BSV) บ้านสุทธาวาส เฉลิมพระเกียรติฯ – นครนายก in Thailand have been exchanging letters, photographs and gifts, revitalising the art of letter writing, and fostering cultural appreciation and understanding. This unique story […]
Langhorne Creek Wine Videos
What makes a wine region unique? Langhorne Creek commissioned 4 videos to explore the true characterisics of its special wines with 4 great winemakers. These 4 videos feature interviews with leading winemakers from around the region and beyond who take the Langhorne Creek grapes and turn them into very special award winning wines. Drone video was […]
HIANZ 40th Anniversary Conference
HIANZ held its 4oth Anniversary Conference in Rotorua in July 2018. We brought together the AV and media management of this landmark event. The Hire Industry Association of New Zealand turned 40 in July and we played a key role in creating the AV setups and assest for the show as well as running the […]
Creating great chefs
The Adelaide Institute of Commercial Cookery is one of Adelaide’s premier chef training facilities. CEG’s Adelaide Institute of Commercial Cookery was formed 7 years ago to cater for industry demand. They have a team of experienced and dedicated chef trainers who are delivering both French fundamentals and infusing this with up to the minute food concepts. […]
HIRE18 Convention
HIRE18 was the 50th Convention for the HRIA and was celebrated in style at the fabulous Brisbane Convention Centre in May 2018 HIRE18 Marked the 50th Anniversary convention for the HRIA and we were heavily involved in creating both video and keynote presentations for a range of purposes across the 2 day event. This was […]
Langhorne Creek Website
Langhorne Creek is one of South Australia’s most authentic and successful wine regions. Located about 70 kms southeast of Adelaide, Langhorne Creek produces some of Australia’s best Cabernet Sauvignon and malbec varieties. It is an historic agricultural area where a handful of families make some of Australia’s most generous red and white wines, graze cattle […]